Kagomenda, created in 2011, is an illustration that is inspired by Serge Mouangue, a Cameroonian-born designer and artist, as well as Katsushika Hokusai, the well-known Japanese artist of woodblock printing and painting. I am fascinated by Mouangue’s African Kimono series, which combines West African and Japanese styling and ideas. I created an illustration based on one of the models in this series. In regards to Hokusai, I also admire his artwork, particularly the lines and soft colors used in his woodblock prints.
The title of this illustration combines what I originally thought were the birthplaces of the two artists mentioned above—Bamenda, Cameroon, and Kagoshima City, Japan, I have since learned that they were likely born in other regions relative to those countries. However, I have had this illustration named as Kagomenda for so long, that I’m keeping it as such; I like the sound of it!